Our Roots
Scotch Boyz started from humble beginnings with four friends who shared a passion for cooking and a love for great food. After participating in a BBQ cook off and being overwhelmed with positive feedback, we decided to bottle our sauces, and thus the Scotch Boyz brand was born!
Started From:
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Scotch Boyz Jamaica was born from a friendship between four childhood friends – Drew Gray, Matthew Wallace, Neil Hudson and Kemar Swaby. All four friends were real yard boyz who loved Jamaica and nothing more than a good Jamaican bellyfull! This meant lots of eating and experimenting with recipes.
Unfortunately, after completing high school all four friends went to separate universities. However, once a year they would reunite in Jamaica for Drew’s annual BBQ. Each year, news would spread about how amazing the food was, drawing both old and new faces seeking to get a taste. Drew had perfected a sauce that his grandfather first made in Portland, Jamaica over 60 years ago.
Neil Hudson and Drew Gray at their first BBQ cook off in 2012.
2012 - Inception
To ensure that his friends could enjoy a taste of Jamaica throughout the year, Drew began bottling the sauce for them to take back to their universities. This was the beginning of “Scotch Boyz" pepper sauce - the bottling of Jamaican kinship, now available in your kitchen.
Purely out of fun, the Boyz entered cooking competitions and the original logo was drawn on a napkin with a red and black ink pen.

Original Logo, first designed in 2012 by Kemar Swaby
2015 - Rebirth
In 2015, they reconnected with their friend and now one of the co-founders, Kemar Swaby to relaunch and rebrand the products for global markets. The original logo on the napkin was revamped to feature a cleaner, more modern aesthetic. With the renewed backing of all four Boyz, Scotch Boyz relaunched with a full line of new and improved sauces.
Scotch Boyz team in Toronto for SIAL food convention - 2019